What started as Pocoyo walking about and whistling, I figured he'd be better off helping the birthday boy blow out that massive candle! The pink elephant was supposed to be standing until the wet weather brought her down to her knees, so she had to sit to be safe. But I am very pleased with the yellow bird and the dog. Both held up very well - one with skinny legs and the other trying to scale the cake. The party also had over a hundred mini cupcakes in chocolate and vanilla butter to supplement the little cake. It's painstaking to work on minis...
Hi, im planning my NOahs 2nd birthday party was looking for Pocoyo images for his TShirt im making and came across a Pocoyo cake...ITS awesome and Id love to be talented/Brave enought to make my Noah one...He is simply getting a car, BUT a Pocoyo shirt :) Love the cake and also the name Noah :)